IPTVMERCHANT : High quality iptv service

Terms & Conditions

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iptvmerchant.com contains links to and from sites operated by third parties. iptvmerchant.com makes no representations whatsoever about any third party content that you may access from the Site or about any web site from which you may access the Site and/or which may be linked to this Site. We provide third party content and links only as a courtesy to our users, and such links / content do not imply our endorsement of any linked site / content. The linked sites / content are not under our influence or control, and we are not responsible for any third party content or the contents of any linked site or subsequent links from that site. Our Privacy Policy is only applicable when you are on this Site. Please review the provider’s and the linked site’s use agreements and privacy policies, and if you do not agree to be bound by the terms, we recommend that you terminate your use of that service or your visit to the site.

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4- Lawful Use

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